Celebrating Volunteers Week with Larchwood Care: Honoring Our Community Champions

At Larchwood Care, we believe in the power of community and the incredible impact volunteers have on our care homes and local areas. Recently, we added to our Community Champions Initiative, perfectly timed with Volunteers Week, celebrated from 3rd – 9th June 2024. This initiative provided us with a wonderful opportunity to express our heartfelt thanks to the amazing volunteers who dedicate their time and effort to support our care homes and the broader community.

Heartfelt Thanks to Our Volunteers

Throughout Volunteers Week, we witnessed a series of wonderful activities from several of our care homes, each celebrating and appreciating their volunteers in unique and heartfelt ways.

Cavell House Care Home: Community Outreach

The team at Cavell House Care Home took their appreciation into the community, extending their thanks to vital local organisations such as the Lifeboats, Martlets, and The DogsTrust. Their efforts highlighted the interconnectedness of our community and the importance of acknowledging those who serve tirelessly behind the scenes.

Appleby Care Home: Celebrating Denise

Appleby Care Home used this week to shine a spotlight on Denise, a dedicated volunteer who has become a cherished regular member of their team. Denise’s hard work and commitment have made a significant difference, and this celebration was a perfect opportunity to thank her for her invaluable contributions. Thank you, Denise, for all that you do!

Muirton House Care Home: Honoring Donna, Wilson, and Gail

At Muirton House Care Home, Manager Sandra and Administrator Megan celebrated two exceptional volunteers. Donna Webster, along with her wonderful therapet Wilson, was honored for their regular visits that bring joy and comfort to our residents. Wilson, in particular, was thrilled to receive his gifts, which brought smiles to everyone present.

Sandra also had the pleasure of presenting gifts to Gail Wylie, the Chair of Blairgowrie’s Bookmark Book Festival, who volunteers by reading poetry to our residents. Gail’s poetry sessions are a highlight for many, and she has generously provided our Activity Coordinators, Julie and Jackie, with copies of the poetry books she reads from. This allows the joy of poetry to continue long after her visits.

We are incredibly fortunate to have volunteers like Donna, Wilson, and Gail, whose dedication and generosity enrich the lives of our residents. Their contributions are deeply appreciated, and we are thankful for the time they give to benefit our community.

A Collective Thank You

We extend our sincerest thanks to all the volunteers who participated in our Community Champions Initiative during Volunteers Week. Your dedication and hard work make a profound difference, and we are grateful for your continued support.

To all the teams at Larchwood Care who took part in celebrating Volunteers Week, thank you for your enthusiasm and effort. Your commitment to recognising and appreciating our volunteers exemplifies the spirit of community that we hold dear.

Let’s continue to champion and support our volunteers, not just during Volunteers Week, but throughout the year. Together, we can create a caring and supportive environment for all.

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